Blog Archive
43 articles since October 9th, 2020.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - February 11, 2021: Content Moderation is Complicated
Article | February 11th, 2021
content moderation, facebook, finance, privacy, signal, twitterThis week we explore different ways to moderate web communication.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - February 4, 2021: Digital Rights are Human Rights
Article | February 4th, 2021
digital rights, dxing, privacy, radio broadcasting, section 230We're back with two new episodes, one on digital rights and internet policy, and a new one about radio broadcasting.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - December 23, 2020: Happy Holidays!
Article | December 23rd, 2020
amazon halo, apple, fragmentation, hack, idfa, open source, security, solarwinds, surveillanceThis week we talked SolarWinds, Fragmentation, Surveillance and Apple IDFA.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - December 16, 2020: Having Too Much Fun
Article | December 16th, 2020
art, poop, spaceBe careful in the desert.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - December 9, 2020: A Cultural Problem
Article | December 10th, 2020
culture, cyber utopia, the internetIs this the Internet we want?
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - November 25, 2020: Owned.
Article | November 25th, 2020
apple, hardware, open source, ownership, technologyWhat does it even mean?
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - November 18, 2020: Myths, Humans, and Technology
Article | November 18th, 2020
myths, politics, technologyAn investigation.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - November 10, 2020: Technology Revolutions
Article | November 10th, 2020
By Katherine Druckman
apache, cybersecurity, politics, revolutionThe web finds a way.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - November 3, 2020: Is There a Place for Facial Recognition?
Article | November 3rd, 2020
By Katherine Druckman
art, facial recognition, photography, power, privacy, surveillanceThis week we talk facial recognition in everyone's hands, digital rights, and the right to be forgotten.
Reality 2.0 Newsletter - October 27, 2020: Should Social Media Be Regulated?
Article | October 27th, 2020
By Katherine Druckman
journalism, politics, regulation, section 230, social media, technologyThis week we talk section 230, efforts to regulate social media, and social media's impact on journalism.